Monday, May 31, 2010

Dehlia Low-Down:: April 2010

Hey there friends and fans,

We wanted to send a quick update to let you know about some exciting events happening at the end of this month!

So far, April has been very good to us, we just returned from Pennsylvania, an exceptionally friendly and beautiful state. We got to travel and perform with one of our favorite bands and our good friends, The Shannon Whitworth Band.

We've also celebrated the birthdays of both Anya and Aaron this month! Our live recording is almost complete... well maybe half way... we hope to have it out by the end of May, we'll keep you posted! We also just got the final cut of our DVD from our Jammin at Hippie Jacks performance last May, soon to be released on PBS... more info to come about that soon.

Okay onto the other exciting things...

April 24th Nashville, TN 3rd Annual Norm's River Roadhouse Bluegrass Festival Line up: David Grier, Bearfoot, Matt Flinner Trio, and us!

April 25th Viia Rica, GA Bluegrass Springfest This event is free and family friendly!

And then there is MERLEFEST!!!!!!!

We are so excited to be performing at Merlefest, and can't wait to get there!

Well, we hope spring is warm and beautiful where ever you are, and that April has been as good of a month for you as it has been for Dehlia Low. As always, thank you for your support and encouragement!


Stacy and the rest of Dehlia Low

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